Supervisors--Ph.D Supervisors  
Service Computing and Software system  
Changda Wang
Name Changda Wang
Title and Position professor, Ph. D Supervisor
Research Interests Information security, Model Checking, E-learning
Office Phone 86-511-88790321-516
E-mail changda@olimpicasrl.com
Curriculum Vitae
Education Background
1) Ph.D., Information security and Assurance (Jiangsu University, 2006);
2) M.S., Computer science and application technology (Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, 1999);
3) B.S. Mathematics (Suzhou University, 1994).
Overseas experience
2004.04-2005.04, visiting scholar, Carleton University, Canada
1) Information Security Technology
2) Discrete Mathematics
3) Foundations of Computer
1) Elitist of Liu Da Summit project, Jiangsu Province, 2010
2) Top-list people with ability of Jiangsu University for young teachers, 2010
3) Best teacher award, Qing-Lan project, Education Department of Jiangsu Province, 2006
4) Champion of the 3rd teaching competition of Jiangsu University, 2006
5) Teaching quality award (first rank), for undergraduate student, Jiangsu University, 2003
6) One of the ten excellent younger teachers, Zhenjiang municipal government, 1999
Teaching and research achievements
Research Projects in charge:
1) Nature Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (No. BK2010192)
2) Jiangsu Provincial Software Funding Support (No. 1721170154)
3) College Research Project of Education Department of Jiangsu province (No. 07KJB520016)
4) Person with Ability project of Jiangsu University (07JDG053)
Joint Research Project:
1) Nature Science Foundation of China (No. 61003288)
2) Nature Science Foundation of China (No. 60773049)
Finished Research Projects:
1) Nature Science Foundation of China (No. 60373069)
2) Nature Science Foundation of China (No. 60573046)
3) Nature Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (No. BK2007086)
4) Nature Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (No. BK200402)
Research achievements:
(1) Changda Wang, Shiguang Ju. A novel method to implement book cipher. Journal of Computers, Vol.5, No.11, pages: 1621-1628, 2010. (EI)
(2) Changda Wang, Shiguang Ju. Multilevel Security Model for Ad Hoc Networks. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, Elsevier, Vol.19, No.2, pages:391-397, 2008. (SCI, EI)
(3) Changda Wang, Shiguang Ju. Integrated Criteria for Covert Channels Auditing. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A, Springer, Vol.9, No.6, pages:737-743, 2008. (SCI, EI)
(4) Changda Wang, Shiguang Ju. Isolation Algorithm in Computer Grid,International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, Vol.5 No.8, Pages:85-91, 2005.
(5) Changda Wang, Shiguang Ju, Book cipher with infinite key space, 2008 International Symposium on Information Science and Engineering, ISISE 2008, pages: 456-459. (EI)
(6) Changda Wang, Shiguang Ju. The Dilemma of Covert Channels Searching. The 8th Annual International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology, Seoul, Korea, LNCS 3395, 2006, pages:169-174. (SCI, EI)
(7) Changda Wang, Shiguang Ju, Dianchun Guo, Zhen Yang and Wenyi Zheng. Research on the methods of search and elimination in covert channels. 2004, LNCS 3033, pages:988-991. (SCI, EI)
(8) Changda Wang, Shiguang Ju. Searching Covert Channels by Identifying Malicious Subjects in the Time Domain .5th IEEE Information Assurance Workshop, 9-11, June 2004, USA, pages:68-73. (EI)
(9) Changda Wang, Shiguang Ju. The New Criteria for Covert Channels Auditing. 5th IEEE Information Assurance Workshop, 9-11, June 2004, USA, pages:183-186. (EI)
(10) Changda Wang, Minghui Hua, Shiguang Ju, Conghua Zhou. Security Analysis of Access Control Policy Based on Predicate Abstract and Verification Space Division, Computer Science, Vol.38, No.10, pages:55-59, 2011 (in Chinese).
(11) Changda Wang, Wenbin Yang, Shiguang Ju. Research and Implementation of Electronic Health Record Signature System Based on CES, Computer Engineering, vol.36, no.16, pages:283-285, 2010 (in Chinese).
(12) Changda Wang, Shiguang Ju, Zhou Conghua, Xiangmei Song. A Measurement of Covert Channels Threat, Chinese Journal of Computers, Vol.32 , No.4, pages:751-762, 2009 (in Chinese). (EI)
(13) Changda Wang, Shiguang Ju. Dynamic Method for Covert Channels Elimination, Journal of Chinese Computer Systems, Vol.30, No.2, pages:236-241, 2009 (in Chinese).
(14) Li Yan, Shiguang Ju, Changda Wang. Real-time monitoring and controlling to secure information flow, Journal on Communications, Vol.29, No.10, pages:51-57, 2008 (in Chinese). (EI)
(15) Changda Wang. Discussion Course for Postgraduate Education in Carleton University, Journal of Higher Education Management, Vol.2 No.1, pages:88-91, 2008 (in Chinese).
(16) Changda Wang, Shiguang Ju. Simulation Analysis of Covert Channels, Journal of System Simulation, Vol.18, No.6, pages: 1488-1492, 2006 (in Chinese). (EI)
(17) Changda Wang, Shiguang Ju, Zhen Yang, Dianchun Guo. The Minimum Criteria of Covert Channels’ Existence and its Application, Computer Science, Vol.32, No.1, pages:77-79, 2005 (in Chinese).
(18) Changda Wang, Shiguang Ju. BLP model and its evolution, Journal of Jiangsu University(Natural Science Edition), Vol.25, No.1, pages:68-72, 2004 (in Chinese).
(19) Changda Wang, Shiguang Ju. Web Engineering: A Survey,  Computer Science, Vol.30, No.7, pages:12-14, 2003 (in Chinese).
(20) Changda Wang. A Model of PHP4 Session Applied on Distance Learning, Application Research of Computers, Vol.19 No.3 pages:33-35 , 2002 (in Chinese).
(21) Changda Wang, Yongzhao Zhan. Design and Implementation of Client/Server-based CAI System, Computer Engineering, Vol.26 No.1 Pages:53-55, 2000 (in Chinese). (EI)
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